Media Gizi Pangan <p><strong>Media Gizi Pangan</strong> merupakan jurnal berkala ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar sejak tahun 2005, dengan pISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>1858-4608</strong></a> dan eISSN <a href=";1528262974&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>2622-6480</strong></a>. <strong>Media Gizi Pangan </strong>Terbit dua kali setahun yaitu periode Januari-Juni dan Juli-Desember.</p> <p><strong>Media Gizi Pangan</strong> menerima tulisan ilmiah berupa hasil penelitian dengan fokus Gizi Masyarakat, Gizi Klinik, dan Pengolah Pangan. <strong>Media Gizi Pangan</strong> direview oleh para ahli dibidang pangan dan gizi sesuai dengan bidang keilmuan yang dikembangkan yang bertujuan untuk mendorong pengembangan ilmu gizi dan pangan secara umum sehingga dapat menjadi sumber referensi dalam mendukung terlaksananya pelayanan kesehatan yang berbasis Evidence Based Practice di Indonesia.</p> <p><strong>Media Gizi Pangan</strong> dapat menjadi wadah bagi peneliti dalam bidang ilmu gizi dan pangan untuk mempublikasikan hasil penelitiannya sehingga mampu memperkaya referensi ilmiah yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia kesehatan di Indonesia.</p> id-ID (Manjilala, S.Gz, M.Gizi) (Husnul Khatimah, S.Tr.Gz.,M.Gz) Wed, 20 Dec 2023 10:18:04 +0800 OJS 60 ASUPAN ENERGI DAN ZAT GIZI SERTA ANTROPOMETRI BALITA STUNTING PADA SUPLEMENTASI ZINC PASCA VITAMIN A DOSIS TINGGI <p><em>The prevalence of stunted toddlers in Indonesia has changed from 35.6% in 2010 to 37.6% in 2013 and in 2018 it decreased to 27.7%. Even though there has been a decline in this figure, it is still a problem that must be resolved considering that the government program determines the prevalence of stunting at 14% in 2024. This study aims to determine the effect of zinc supplements on stunted toddlers after giving high doses of vitamin A on energy and nutrient intake, as well as anthropometry. Pre Test Post Test Group Design research design, the research was carried out for one month, namely giving zinc supplementation of 10 mg/day, to stunted children aged 2-4 years after giving high doses of Vitamin A. The sample was 45 people. The indicators measured are energy intake, macronutrient intake as anthropometry. The results of the study showed that giving zinc supplementation after giving high doses of vitamin A to stunted toddlers was not effective in terms of energy and macronutrient intake as well as anthropometry. Further research was carried out by looking at changes in biochemical levels such as levels of zinc, albumin, total protein and hemoglobin</em></p> Hendrayati, Nursalim, Satriyani Martha Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Manjilala, Hendrayati Hendrayati, Satriyani Martha Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0800 KUALITAS ES KRIM VITA TRADISIONAL <p><em>Handling nutritional problems in toddlers is one of them by providing additional food, such as snacks, biscuits and ice cream. Ice cream as a processed food product can add energy and there is more value because it has functional properties with the substitution of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) in vita ice cream. The purpose of the study was to determine the acceptability, protein content, fat, and physical properties of vita ice cream. The research design was one shot study case with 4 formulas namely F0 (standard formula), F1, F2 and F3. The results showed that the most favourable vita ice cream was F2 vita ice cream. The cowpea substitution in vita ice cream does not affect the overrun of ice cream and the higher the cowpea substitution, the longer the melting time of vita ice cream. The higher the cowpea substitution, the higher the protein content in vita ice cream with an average value of 4.38 g (F3). Conversely, the higher the cowpea substitution, the lower the fat content of vita ice cream, which is in the range with an average value of 11.57 g (F0) to 9.22 g (F3). The conclusion of this study is that vita ice cream F2 is acceptable from the aspects of colour, aroma, texture and taste with protein content of 3.81 g/100g and fat content of 9.55 g/100g of vita ice cream.</em></p> Thresia Dewi Kartini Berek, Mustamin, Hijrah Asikin, Fitrahyani Ahmad, Asrini Agus Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Thresia Dewi Kartini Berek, Mustamin, Hijrah Asikin, Fitrahyani Ahmad, Asrini Agus Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0800 DAYA TERIMA DAN KANDUNGAN PROTEIN KUE BAGEA SUBSTITUSI TEPUNG IKAN GABUS (OPHIOCEPHALUS STRIATUS) DAN TEPUNG KACANG MERAH (PHASEOLUS VULGARIS L) <p><em>Bagea cake is a typical cake from Palopo City, South Sulawesi. The main ingredient is starch, therefore the nutritional content is mostly carbohydrates. Bagea cake substituted with snakehead fish meal and red bean flour can increase protein content. This study aims to determine the acceptability and protein content of bagea cake substitutes for snakehead fish meal and red bean flour.This type of research is Pre-experimental acceptability test using organoleptic test with a total of 25 panelists. Statistical test using Friedman test. Analysis of protein content using the Kjeldahl method. Data is presented in tabular form accompanied by explanations in narrative form.The results showed that the most preferred acceptability of bagea cake substituted with snakehead fish meal and red bean flour from the aspect of color, aroma, texture, and taste was bagea cake with a concentration of 15%:15%. The results of laboratory tests showed that the protein content in bagea cakes at a concentration of 15%:15% was 6.096 per serving of bagea cakes.It is recommended that in making bagea cake substitutions of snakehead fish meal and red bean flour use a concentration of no more than 15% so that it can be accepted by panelists from the aspect of color, aroma, texture and taste.</em></p> Hikmawati Masud, Suriani Rauf, Nurlita Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Hikmawati Masud, Suriani Rauf, Nurlita Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0800 HUBUNGAN KEBIASAAN SARAPAN PAGI DAN ASUPAN ZAT GIZI MAKRO DENGAN STATUS GIZI ANAK DI SD NEGERI 1 PANGKAJENE KABUPATEN SIDRAP <p><em>In supporting the physical and development of children, various kinds of nutrients are needed in sufficient quantities to meet good development and growth, because the role of nutrition determines the state of children's health, including nutritional status. Skipping breakfast causes a nutritional deficit and cannot be replaced by nutrient intake through other meals. Intake of nutrients will affect the concentration and intelligence of children in receiving knowledge at school. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between breakfast habits and intake of macronutrients with the nutritional status of children at SD Negeri 1 Pangkajene, Sidrap Regency. This type of research uses a cross-sectional design. Population of elementary school students grades IV, V, IV. The sample in the study was 65 children. Breakfast habits were collected through a questionnaire. Intake of macronutrients is known through food recall interviews. Nutritional status is known through the value of BMI. Statistical test with Chi-Square. The results showed good breakfast habits (70.8%), adequate energy intake (95.4%), sufficient protein intake (90.8%), sufficient fat intake (92.3%), sufficient carbohydrate intake (96. 9%), normal nutritional status (61.5%). Statistical analysis found that there was a relationship between breakfast habits and intake of macronutrients with the nutritional status of children with a P value &lt;0.05. The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between breakfast habits and intake of macronutrients with the nutritional status of children at SD Negeri 1 Pangkajene, Sidrap Regency. It is recommended for students to improve breakfast habits and pay more attention to the food they will consume</em></p> Sunarto, Nurul Fauziyah Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Sunarto, Nurul Fauziyah Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0800 PENGETAHUAN DAN SIKAP LANSIA SETELAH EDUKASI TENTANG PROGRAM PROLANIS DI WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS MAROS BARU KABUPATEN MAROS <p><em>Diabetes mellitus and hypertension are health problems that are commonly found in the elderly. One of the causes is the lack of public knowledge. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of education on changes in the level of knowledge of the elderly in the working area of the Maros Baru Health Center, Maros Regency. The research design is Quasi Experimental with one group Pre-Post test design. The research sample was the elderly who were selected by purposive sampling as many as 10 people with the criteria that the elderly had chronic hypertension or diabetes mellitus. Data collection using interviews, body weight measured using digital stepping scales and using questionnaires. Data analysis in this study used the Paired-Samples T Test. The results of the analysis showed that there was an effect of education on changes in the level of knowledge and attitudes of the elderly (p = 0.000). In conclusion, nutrition education can increase the level of knowledge and attitude of the elderly.</em></p> Nursyidatul Maulida, Hj. Sukmawati, Nadimin Nadimin Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Nadimin Nadimin, Nursyidatul Maulida, Hj. Sukmawati Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0800 KERAGAMAN DAN PENERIMAAN MAKANAN ANAK BERPENGARUH PADA STUNTING DI DESA LOKUS STUNTING KABUPATEN ENREKANG : STUDI POTONG LINTANG <p><em>Dietary Diversity Score (DDS), Acceptance Diet (AD) and Minimum Meal Frequency (FFM) of children's are direct variables that affect nutritional status. The objectives of this study was to determine the effect of DDS, FFM and AD on stunting in children aged 1-3 years. The Design is a cross-sectional study, conducted in Baraka District, Enrekang South Sulawesi Indonesia. Measurement of height using a microtoice (2-3) years and a length board (2 years) with an accuracy of 0.1 cm. Stunting was determined according to the 2006 WHO anthropometric median, &lt;-2 SD HAZ. The child feeding instrument uses the WHO/Unicef ​​instrument, 2021. Bivariate analysis used Chi Square Test, multivariate analysis used Logistics Regression. The results of the study found that the gender and father education had an effect on stunting (p=0.000) and p=0.018, while the age group (p=0.946), mother's occupation (p=0.392), mother's education (p=0.190) had no effect to prevention of stunting. Child feeding consisting of FFM, DDS and AD partially affected stunting p&lt;0.05. Logistic regression analysis revealed that stunting can be predicted by modeling by 73.5% used strong predictors of risk factor DDS, and AD. Odds ratio 95% (CI) is 4.18 (1.69-10.33), p = 0.02 and 41.60(16.5-104.3) and protective by female Odds Ratio 95% CI= 0.30(0.12-0.71), p=0,007, Meanwhile, FFM and father education cannot predict stunting p=0.062 and p=0,442 respectively. Conclusion: stunting in Baraka sub-district is influenced by DDS, AD and Sex. It is recommended to strengthen education on the DDS and AD children to prevent stunting in children aged 1-3 years</em></p> Sirajuddin, Agustian, Trina, Uti Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Sirajuddin, Agustian, Trina, Uti Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0800 HUBUNGAN RIWAYAT BBLR DENGAN STUNTING PADA ANAK BALITA DI KELURAHAN BORIBELLAYA KECAMATAN TURIKALE <p>Toddler <em>stunting </em>is grouped as chronic nutritional problem which impact of many factors.The factor of children it self which can cause of <em>stunting </em>are low birth weight ( BBLR), the absence of breast feeding early, not exclusive of having breast milk, less quality and quantity of food companion to breast milk as well as infection disease. Based on health basic data research of the Minister of Health in 2010,&nbsp;&nbsp; 2013, and 2018 noted that national <em>stunting </em>cases were in a row at 35.6%, 37.2%, and 30.8%. In South Sulawesi found the cases were in a row 36.8%, 40.9%, and 35.6% While in Maros Regency <em>stunting </em>has prevalence rate at 34.87% in a short and shortest cases. Boribellaya area has the highest <em>stunting </em>prevalence in Turikale District is 13.8%. The purpose of this research was to know the relationships between Low Birth Weight and <em>Stunting </em>Cases in Boribellaya village. The techniques of research were observation and design cross sectional study. The research was conducted in June, 2021 at Boribelaya Village. The variables of the research were Low Birth Weight as independent variable&nbsp;&nbsp; and Stunting cases was dependent variable. Technique of data collection was interview of their identity and toddlers’ age. The <em>stunting </em>data collection was taken through secondary data from EPPGM 2021 by 52 children while for their birth weight was gotten from&nbsp;&nbsp; Book of Helth mother and child. The bias of this research found that not all or 28.8% (15 children) has not their birth weight notes in the Book of Mother and child. The long/height of the toddler were measured by using ribbon meter and not <em>length board </em>and <em>microtoice</em>.The population of this research was allof 52 toddlers which have <em>stunting </em>cases. Technique of sampling applied total sampling, while data analysis applied <em>Bivariat Exact Fisher Test</em>. The research result showed that the population age rate in 3-5 year was 59.6%, the gender was dominated by males in 59.6%. The higher with Low Birth Weight and without Low Birth Weight was 96.2%, <em>Stunting </em>was 73%, the child with severe <em>stunting </em>27%, Low Birth Weight with <em>stunting </em>was 3.8%, The child With Low Birth Weight and <em>stunting </em>was 96.2% with the rate score was p=0.47 (&gt;0.05). Based on above finding, it can be concluded that there is no correlation between Low Birth Weight and <em>Stunting </em>Cases at Toddler in Boribellava Village,&nbsp; Turikale District, Maros regency.</p> Lydia Fanny, Sukmawati Sukmawti, Hikmawati Mas’ud, Sirajuddin Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Lydia Fanny, Sukmawati Sukmawti, Hikmawati Mas’ud, Sirajuddin Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0800 PENGGUNAAN MEDIA VIDEO TERHADAP KEBERHASILAN MENYUSUI DI KELURAHAN PACCERAKKANG <p><em>Exclusive breast milk can reduce infant morbidity and mortality. Exclusive breastfeeding coverage based basic health research in indonesia 2018 data has only reached 37.3%. One of the factors that influences breastfeeding is the mother's success in breastfeeding. Media use influences the success of health education. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of using video media on breastfeeding success and the type of breastfeeding (completely breast milk or a combination of breast milk and formula milk). This type of research is pre-experimental with a posttest only design. In this design, the data collected is the effect of education after the intervention. Population of breastfeeding mothers in the Paccerakkang Community Health Center working area. The research sample was breastfeeding mothers with babies 0-1 months old and willing to be given breastfeeding education obtained using the purposive sampling method. The research results showed that 81.3% of mothers from the intervention group were successful and able to breastfeed their babies well and in the control group 100% of mothers were successful and able to breastfeed their babies well. The Mann Whitney test results showed p=0.105 (p&gt;0.05). The conclusion of this study is that there is no significant difference in the success and provision of breast milk in the intervention group and the control group.</em></p> Chaerunnimah Chaerunnimah, Aswita Amir, Retno Sri Lestari, Zhulfitriana Anwar Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Chaerunnimah Chaerunnimah, Aswita Amir, Retno Sri Lestari, Zhulfitriana Anwar Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0800 KADAR AIR, KANDUNGAN PROTEIN DAN ZAT BESI SERBUK INSTAN KEDELAI DENGAN PENAMBAHAN KACANG HIJAU <p><em>Anaemia is a condition where the haemoglobin level is lower than normal. Interventions to prevent and treat anaemia need to accompany increasing intake of nutrients through food diversification, iron food fortification, iron supplementation and improvement of sanitation and health services. Diversification of soybeans by adding green beans into instant powder is expected to be an alternative in helping to overcome nutritional problems, especially anaemia in young women. The purpose of this study is to find out how much water, protein, and iron are in soybean instant powder when green beans are added. Pre-experimental or laboratory research is the focus of this study. The results showed that the best formula for instant soybean powder with mung beans was F1, with a moisture content of 3.16 %. The best formula for instant soy powder with green beans has a protein content of F0, which is equivalent to 44.54 g. The best formula for instant soy powder with green beans also has a iron content of F1 that is equivalent to 5.57 mg. It is recommended to carry out further studies to determine the effect and effectiveness of instant soy powder with the addition of mung beans on haemoglobin levels in female adolescents and to carry out storability tests using the accelerated method with various airtight packages.</em></p> Mustamin, Nursalim, Hendrayati, Intan Hamidah Amruh Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Mustamin, Nursalim, Hendrayati, Intan Hamidah Amruh Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0800 MAHASISWA SEBAGAI PENUNJANG KEBERHASILAN PEMBERIAN ASI <p><em>Current counseling in health services does not involve other families, so mothers often do not receive support. Family support plays an important role in the success of breastfeeding. Counseling provided to mothers and families will increase knowledge and support for successful breastfeeding of their babies. Counseling can be done by a breastfeeding counselor at a health service. The performance of breastfeeding counselors is not optimal due to lack of work motivation caused by lack of financial support, lack of supervision, excessive workload due to the absence of special assignments as counselors. Students who are prospective health workers have good potential if guided to become counselors. Fun Home Counseling is a counseling activity that involves mothers and all families in the house to increase knowledge and support so that coverage of breastfeeding can be increased and will prevent stunting in Makassar City. To determine the effect of counseling on breastfeeding practices in Makassar City. This research is a pre-experimental research in the form of a post test group design. The population is all pregnant women in the Paccerakkang and Sudiang Raya Community Health Center working areas. The samples were mothers in the third trimester of pregnancy, permanent residents in the research area and participating in all counseling activities. The number of respondents in both groups was 16 people, but those who followed until the baby was 1 month old were 11 people in the counseling group and 14 people in the counseling group. The effect of counseling on breastfeeding practices using the Chi Square Test. There are no differences in employment, maternal nutritional status, number of parities, place of delivery, delivery process, Early Breastfeeding Initiation ((MD), breastfeeding assistance, postnatal intake, and intake at 14 days of age but different in breastfeeding at 1 months in counseling and counseling groups.</em></p> Aswita Amir, Chaerunnimah Chaerunnimah, Hj. Fatmawaty Suaib Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Aswita Amir, Chaerunnimah Chaerunnimah, Hj. Fatmawaty Suaib Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0800 PENINGKATAN PENGETAHUAN SISWA SD TENTANG MANFAAT BUAH DAN SAYUR DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN MEDIA LEAFLET <p><em>Children in Indonesia have a habit of consuming very low fruits and vegetables. Result of </em><em>Riskesdas</em><em> in 2018 shows that overall the </em><em>population</em><em> of age <u>&gt;</u> 5 years lacked 95,5% of the fruit and vegetables. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of Leaflet media education on increasing knowledge about the benefits of consuming fruit and vegetables in primary school children. This study was a Pre-Experimental Design With One Group Pretest-Posttest Design Carried Out at the Inpres Sudiang Makassar. The samle size in this study was 97 people taken by the total sampling. Variables in the study were knowledge of primary school student before being given an intervention in the form of education through leaflet media and knowledge after intervention. The effect of variables using questionnaires was tested by using the wilcoxon test. The results showed that in SD Inpres Sudiang Makassar, the age was generally 60.8%, the class was generally 27.8%, and the gender was generally 25.8%. The father's occupation was generally private employee (29.9%), while the mother's occupation was generally a housewife (77.3%). The level of knowledge before education was generally good (85.6%), while the level of knowledge after education was generally good (100%). Statistical analysis showed a difference in nutritional knowledge before and after the provision of media leaflet education (p = 0.000). It is recommended for further research, it is expected to be able to develop educational media in accordance with the development of technology so thah it supports interest and reading interest and reading interesr for respondents.</em></p> Anggun Khairunnisa, Manjilala, Agustian Ipa, Adriyani Adam Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Anggun Khairunnisa, Manjilala, Agustian Ipa, Adriyani Adam Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0800 COOKIES SUBSTITUSI PUREE BAYAM HIJAU DAN TEPUNG KACANG HIJAU SEBAGAI CAMILAN TINGGI PROTEIN DAN ZAT BESI UNTUK REMAJA PUTRI ANEMIA <p><em>Adolescent girls are one of the groups that are vulnerable to nutritional problems, one of which is anemia. Anemia is characterized by the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin less than the normal limit of 12 g/dl. The incidence of anemia in adolescent girls is caused by a lack of knowledge regarding foods containing iron. One of the foods that contain high iron is green spinach puree and mung bean flour. This research was aimed to analyze the effect of substitution of green spinach puree and mung bean flour on the organoleptic quality and nutritional content of cookies. Pre-experimental research with Completely Randomized Design (CRD), using 4 composition ratios of wheat flour, mung bean flour and green spinach puree with ratios F0 (100% : 0% : 0%), F1 (75% : 20% : 5%), F2 (50% : 40% : 10%), and F3 (25% : 60% : 15%). The organoleptic test was evaluated using 30 semi trained panelists. Statistical analysis of the organoleptic test used the Kruskal Wallis test and Mann Whitney further test, while the nutrient content test used the Independent T Test. The substitution of green spinach puree and mung bean flour had a significant effect (p&lt;0,05) on water content, ash, fat, protein, carbohydrates, iron, color, taste, and aroma. However, it did not have a significant effect on the hedonic texture test, and aftertaste (p&gt;0,05) cookies .Cookies with the best formulation at F2 had 19,43 kcal of energy, 47,05 g of protein, 16,30 g of fat, 15,90 g of carbohydrates, and 34,82 mg of iron per serving of 60 g (3 pieces). Green spinach puree and mung bean flour substitution cookies have met the RDA for teenage girls aged 10-18 years. Cookies F2 can be claimed as a food product high in protein and iron and can be used as alternative snack for anemic adolescent girls.</em></p> Bahriyatul Ma'rifah, Laras Deana Eka Suci, Arwin Muhlishoh Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Bahriyatul Ma'rifah, Laras Deana Eka Suci, Arwin Muhlishoh Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0800 UJI DAYA TERIMA DAN KOMPOSISI GIZI BOLU KUKUS LOW GLYCEMIX INDEX UNTUK PENDERITA DIABETES MELITUS <p><em>Diabetes mellitus is a disease with insulin secretion abnormalities characterized by hyperglycemia, this disease is relatively long, so insulin cannot be used effectively. DM disease characterized by increased blood glucose in fasting blood glucose &gt; 126 mg/dl and random blood glucose &gt; 200 mg/dl. Research objectives: To create a low glycemic index steamed sponge cake formulation to reduce blood glucose levels in DM sufferers. Methods: This research is an experimental study. This research using a non-factorial completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments. The organoleptic test research subjects were 25 panelists. Research results: Based on the results of research on organoleptic tests (taste, texture, aroma and color) it shows that the preferred low glycemic index of steamed sponge cake is F3. Based on the ANOVA test, it can be seen that the significant value for color is 0.105 and taste is 0.245 this shows that the aspects that most panelists like about the low glycemic index steamed sponge cake are the color and taste aspects. This formula contains 283.97 kcal energy (per 100 grams), 11.58% protein, 14.69% fat, 26.36% carbohydrates, 45.28% water content, 2.08% ash content, 8 dietary fiber, 12%, and anthocyanins 18.71% Conclusion: Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the addition of purple sweet potato flour and tempeh flour to low glycemic index steamed sponge cake can be used as an alternative snack that is high in fiber and low in glycemic index for DM sufferers.</em></p> Susyani, Rifada Elzanabilah, Yuli Hartati Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Susyani, Rifada Elzanabilah, Yuli Hartati Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0800 POTENSI PANGAN FUNGSIONAL SUMBER VITAMIN C DAN ZINK: COOKIES DAUN KELOR DAN LABU KUNING <p><em>One of the efforts that have been made to deal with the challenge of micronutrient deficiencies is to utilize local food. Several studies have shown that the use of wheat flour from local food in the manufacture of cookies can increase the nutritional value of the product, so a study was conducted regarding the addition of moringa leaf and pumpkin flour to cookies. Analyze the content of vitamin C and zinc in cookies with the addition of moringa leaf and pumpkin flour. This study used an experimental research design which was carried out in two stages. The first stage: the manufacture of flour and cookie formulation which was carried out at the Stikes Salewangang Maros Nutritional Food Administration Laboratory. In the second stage, nutrient analysis was carried out at the Makassar Health Laboratory Center (BBLK).The results of the analysis of the content of micronutrients with 3 repetitions showed that the zinc content was 120.77 mg/g while the vitamin C was 1275.22 mg/g. So, by consuming 3 pieces of cookies can meet the daily zinc needs of children aged 6-11 months and children aged 1-3 years. Meanwhile, for vitamin C, consuming 3 pieces of cookies can meet the needs of vitamin C for children aged 1-3 years and consuming 4 pieces of cookies can meet the daily needs of children aged 6-11 months.The addition of moringa leaf flour and pumpkin flour to the cookies of this study increased the micronutrient content of vitamin C and zinc compared to cookies in general, but the results of the analysis of the content of vitamin C </em></p> St. Masithah Hak Cipta (c) 2023 St. Masithah Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0800 HUBUNGAN BERAT LAHIR DENGAN KADAR ARAKIDONAT ACID PADA ASI DARI IBU MENYUSUI BAYI 1-4 BULAN DI KOTA MAKASSAR <p><em>Human milk is the most perfect food for babies, ideally breast milk is the only source of nutrition for six months at the beginning of life. This study aimed to assess the correlation levels of Arhacidonat Acid of breast milk in nursing mothers by birth weight (LBW and normal) in Makassar. Research conducted at the health center area of ​​Makassar. This type of research is observational analytic with cross-sectional design. How the sample selection using purposive sampling of 30 people, where the first group of 15 lactating mothers of normal birth weight babies and a second group of 15 mothers breastfeeding LBW infants. Levels of Arhacidonat Acid is checked by HPLC (Hight Performance Liquid Chromotography). Data were analyzed using SPSS using independent t-test to see relations birth weight infants with higher levels of essential fatty acids in milk both groups. Average levels of AA breastfed babies with normal birth weight lower than the levels of AA breastfeeding LBW infants (0.098 ± 0.006 mg / ml appeal of 0.085 ± 0.024 mg / ml) but the relationship was not significant (P&gt; 0.05). It was concluded that there was no association between birth weight infants with higher levels of Arhacidonat Acid breast milk in lactating mothers of infants aged 1-4 months in Makassar.</em></p> Nur Nikmah Siradjuddin, Husnul Khatimah, Hijrah Asikin Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Nur Nikmah Siradjuddi, Husnul Khatimah, Hijrah Asikin Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0800