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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Naskah belum pernah diterbitkan sebelumnya, dan tidak sedang dalam pertimbangan untuk diterbitkan di jurnal lain (atau sudah dijelaskan dalam Komentar kepada Editor).
  • File naskah dalam format dokumen OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, atau RTF.
  • Referensi yang dapat diakses online telah dituliskan URL-nya.
  • Naskah diketik dengan teks 1 spasi; font 12; menggunakan huruf miring, bukan huruf bergaris bawah (kecuali alamat URL); dan semua ilustrasi, gambar, dan tabel diletakkan dalam teks pada tempat yang diharapkan, bukan dikelompokkan tersendiri di akhir naskah.
  • Naskah mengikuti aturan gaya selingkung dan bibliografi yang disyaratkan dalam Panduan Penulis.

Author Guidelines


Manuscripts are written in English/Indonesian with the following systematics: Title, Author and institution and correspondence address, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction (Background and Objectives), Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments (if required), and Bibliography.

Manuscripts are typed using the MS Word program, Arial font 10, left margin, right margin, top and bottom 3 cm each. The maximum thickness of the manuscript is 15 pages with 1 space.


Typed in capital letters and bold, a maximum of 20 words, not using the words study and year. Arial font, 10-point font size, and 1 space.


Typed in lowercase and italicized, maximum 18 words, in each word except for the initial letter of the title in the first word using capital letters. Arial font, 10-point font size, and 1 space.

First Author1, Second Author2, Third Author3

(Full names of authors without titles, if the authors come from the same institution then there is no need to include coding)

1Institution of the first author

2Second author's institution

3Institution of the third author

*) E-mail correspondence of one of the authors)

ABSTRACT (Arial 8 point font, Bold, space 1)

Abstract consists of the introduction (1-2 sentences) research objectives (1 sentence), methods (3-5 sentences), research results (3-5 sentences), and conclusions (1 sentence) written in one paragraph, with Arial 10 point, italics and single space. Abstract consists of English and Indonesian language no more than 300 words.

Keywords: Consists of 3-5 keywords sorted alphabetically separated by a comma.


Abstract contains a brief description of the introduction (1-2 sentences) research objectives (1 sentence), methods (3-5 sentences), research results (3-5 sentences), and conclusions (1 sentence) made in one paragraph. Abstract consists of English and Indonesian no more than 300 words using one space. English abstracts use italics, decimals use dots. Indonesian abstracts use upright letters, decimals use commas. Published articles must adjust the writing procedures set by SULOLIPU so that the published writing has the same style, therefore to facilitate the author, make sure not to change this template, which includes font type and size, spacing, indent distance, and so on. The maximum number of pages for the SULOLIPU journal is 15 pages.

Keywords: Consists of 3-5 keywords sorted alphabetically separated by a comma and does not end with a full stop.

INTRODUCTION (Arial font, Bold, 1 space, 2 column format)
The introduction contains the background and objectives of the research written in different paragraphs. The background outlines the reasons why this research is being carried out and is supported by recent research results in the last 10 years obtained from domestic and foreign journals and books. This section also presents the research problem using the inverted pyramid method, starting from global, national, and local problems. The maximum number of pages in this section is 1.5 pages written using Arial letters, 1 space, and 10 point font size, one paragraph consists of at least two sentences, and at the end, the research objectives are included.

Citation writing is distinguished between writing at the beginning and end of the sentence. If the author is only one person, the writing at the beginning is Budirman (2015), and the writing at the end (Budirman, 2015). If the author consists of two people, the writing at the beginning is Budirman and Erlani (2016) while the writing at the end is (Budirman & Erlani, 2016). If the authors are more than two people, the writing at the beginning is Budirman et al. (2017), and the writing at the end (Budirman et al., 2017). Writing et al. Italicized and dot after al. If the author's name consists of two syllables such as Andi Ruhban, the writing at the beginning is Ruhban (2017), and the writing at the end (Ruhban, 2017). If the author's name consists of three syllables such as Ahmad Yazid Ilmany, the initial writing is Ilmany (2017) and the final writing is (Ilmany, 2017). Writing for journal articles from electronic sources from the internet is Author, initials, year. Title of the article. Journal title, [media type] Volume number (issue/section number), page if any. Website address/URL in detail and underlined.

METHODS (Arial 10 point, Bold, space 1 Created 2 column format)

Design, place, and time (Arial 10 point font, Bold, space 1 Made in 2 column format)

This section describes the design, place, and time of the research which is typed sequentially in paragraph form. The paragraph begins with a word that protrudes 6 digits inward.

Number and method of taking subjects (for survey research) or

materials and equipment (for laboratory research) (Arial 10 point font, Bold, space 1 Made in 2 column format)

This section consists of 1-2 paragraphs describing the population, subjects, number, and method of taking subjects in survey research or describing the materials and equipment used in laboratory research. The word subject is used for survey research and the word sample for laboratory research. Paragraphs begin with a word that protrudes 6 digits inward and may not use subheadings. Qualitative research such as case studies, phenomenology, ethnography, and others, need to add a description of checking the validity of the research results.

Types and Methods of Data Collection (for survey research)/Research Steps (for laboratory research) (Arial 10 point font, Bold, space 1 Made in 2 column format)

Described sequentially in paragraph form, using an Arial 10-point font with 1 space. Paragraphs begin with a word that protrudes 6 digits inward and may use subheadings.

Data processing and analysis

Described sequentially in paragraph form, using an Arial 10-point font with 1 space. Paragraphs begin with a word that protrudes 6 digits inward.

RESULTS (Arial 10 point font, Bold, space 1 Made 2 column format)

The results section describes the characteristics of the research subjects, univariate analysis, bivariate analysis (if any), and multivariate analysis (if any). It is not allowed to include tables and figures in this section, tables and figures are listed in this section. Interpretation of research results is made in narrative form, writing using Arial 10 point with 1 space. Paragraphs begin with a word that protrudes 6 digits inward and may not use subtitles for each variable.

DISCUSSION (Title Arial 10 point, Bold, space 1 Made in 2 column format)

The discussion contains a discussion that connects and compares the research results with theories/concepts/findings from other studies both in line and not in line with the research results. The discussion should not just narrate the results (tables and figures) and should suggest the impact of the research results.

This section is written using Arial 10-point font and 1 space. Paragraphs begin with a word that protrudes 6 digits inward and may not use subtitles for each variable.

CONCLUSION (Arial 10 point font, Bold, space 1 Made in 2-column format)

The conclusion contains answers to the research objectives, not a summary of the research results, which are displayed in 1 paragraph and typed using Arial 10-point letters with 1 space. The paragraph begins with a word that protrudes 6 digits inward.

SUGGESTIONS (Arial 10 point font, Bold, 1 space)

Suggestions are written based on the research findings and refer to practical activities, further research, or the development of new theories. Suggestions are typed using Arial 10-point font and 1 space. The paragraph begins with a word that protrudes 6 digits inward.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (Arial 10 point font, Bold, space 1)

This section is optional, and contains thanks to those who contributed to this research such as funders or sponsors, and donors of materials, tools, and facilities. Writing names does not use titles.

The bibliography only contains references referred to in this article, the author must use the literature of the last 10 years and one of them refers to a manuscript that has been published in Sulolipu. References are written using the Harvard system, it is recommended to use standard reference applications such as Mendeley, EndNote, Zotero, and others, then arranged alphabetically by the author's name. An example of writing a bibliography is as follows:

Bongoura M.L., Atindana J.N., Ming Z.H., Wei P, Mothibe K.J and Xue Z.K. 2012. Starch Functional Properties and Resistant Starch from Foxtail Millet [Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv] Species. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 11: 919-928.

Gibson RS. 2005. Principles of Nutritional Assessment. Second Edition. New York: Oxford University Press.

Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. 2013. Riset Kesehatan Dasar. Jakarta: Kemenkes RI.

Ruhban, Andi, dkk. 2011. Efektifitas Ekstrak Bandotan (Ageratum Conizoides L) Dalam Mematikan Lalat Rumah (Musca Domestica).Makassar: Poltekkes Makassar Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan.

Wagiyono. 2003. Menguji Kesukaan Secara Organoleptik  (Diakses 9 November 2017)


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