Peer Review Process

All manuscripts submitted to Media Kesehatan Gigi will undergo a selection and assessment process (initial review) by the Managing Editors to ensure compliance with writing guidelines, focus, scope, and maintain excellent academic quality. Subsequently, the manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers under a double-blind policy. Authors failing to meet the specified conditions will be given an opportunity to revise their manuscript according to the provided criteria. However, there is also the possibility of outright rejection of the manuscript. Additionally, all manuscripts will undergo a plagiarism check using Turnitin software and must adhere to a maximum similarity score of 30%.

Peer Review Process: Manuscripts that have passed the initial review stage will be sent to at least two reviewers who are experts in the field relevant to the submitted manuscript. Reviewers will receive an assessment form and are encouraged to provide comments directly on the manuscript text. The review process is limited to a maximum of six weeks per round, which may comprise one or more rounds as necessary.

Review Decision: The decision of the reviewers will be carefully considered by the Editors to determine the next steps for the manuscript. The reviewers will provide the following recommendations:

  • Accept submission: This indicates that the manuscript meets the standards for publication and requires no further revisions or modifications.
  • Revision required: This signifies that the manuscript is suitable for publication after addressing the feedback and suggestions provided by the reviewers.
  • Resubmit for review: This indicates that the manuscript requires substantial revisions, such as revising data analysis, research variables, research type, main theoretical framework, and rewriting paragraphs. After making these revisions, the manuscript should be resubmitted for another round of review.
  • Decline submission: This means that the manuscript does not meet the criteria for publication, either due to being outside the scope of the required research or addressing very basic issues that require significant improvements.

Revision Stage: Upon receipt of the manuscript with revision notes or resubmission, it will be returned to the author along with the reviewers' feedback and the revision form. The author is given a two-week timeframe to revise the manuscript. Upon resubmission, the author must complete and include the provided manuscript revision form. If the revised manuscript does not address the reviewer's comments adequately, it will be returned to the author for further revision.

Final Decision: The editor-in-chief will make the final determination regarding the acceptability of manuscripts based on the feedback provided by reviewers during an editorial board meeting. Plagiarism checks will be conducted using Turnitin software. The manuscript may still be rejected if the author does not demonstrate a commitment to addressing the required revisions.

Proofreading Process: After the manuscript is approved and accepted by the editor-in-chief based on reviewers' comments presented during an editorial board meeting, it will undergo a proofreading process using native speaker services to maintain the quality of language.

Final Stage: The final layout of the manuscript will be sent back to the author to ensure that the content matches the author's writing. The author can revise any typos found in the final manuscript. Once confirmation from the author is received, the Editor will proceed with processing the manuscript for online publication on the website as well as print publication.