About the Journal

Journal Of Nursing And Health Sciences Is A Scientific Journal Published By Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar. The need for publication of scientific aspirations from among health activists, especially nursing and health lecturers and students. In this case, nursing and health lecturers and students are increasing, therefore the Journal of Nursing And Health Sciences is held as one of the means to publish all forms of ideas, research results and scientific studies related to the development of nursing and health in general. Another Journal of Nursing and Health Media is published by the Department of Nursing Prodi Parepare Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar with a publication period of 2 times a year, namely published in June and December. In addition, the journal is a forum for researchers in the field of nursing and health sciences to publish the results of their research so as to enrich scientific references that can be utilized to improve the quality of health human resources in Indonesia.
The existence of this journal will help all nursing and health practitioners to get up-to-date information on the development and progress of nursing and health science in conjunction with education and practice by research. The development of science and technology provides direction in the dissemination of unlimited information and, most importantly advances in the field of nursing and health science. Capability in the field of research provides direction in the dissemination of information advances in the field of nursing and health.