
  1. Prof Setyowati, P.Hd
  2. Yohanna Sorontou, M.Kes
  3. Masfuri, S.Kp, MN
  4. Rara Puji Astuti, MNS
  5. Rusli, Sp, FRS, Apt
  6. Nurul Fajriah, M.Kes
  7. Dr Rudi Hartono, SKM, M.Kes
  8. drg. Hans Lesmana, M.Kes
  9. Sukriyadi, M.Kes
  10. Syarifuddin, M.Kes
  11. Edi Hasan, S.kep, Ns, M.Kes
  12. M. Natsir SKM M.Kes
  13. Muhammad Asikin M.Kes
  14. Associate Professor Dr. Gan Wan Ying, Public Health, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
  15. Aini Binti Ahmad (Scopus, Google Scholar), KPJ Healthcare University College, Malaysia
  16. Melanie Reboldera-Adolfo (Scopus id: 57223391238, Google Scholar), Department of Nursing, College of Applied Medical Sciences/King Faisal University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  17. Sanglar Polnok (Scopus, Google Scholar), Faculty of Nursing, Naresuan University, Thailand
  18. Khadizah Abdul-Mumin (Scopus, Google Scholar), Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darussalam