Urban Health

Journal title Urban Health  
Initials Medurban
Abbreviation Medurban.poltekes.mks
Print ISSN  
Online ISSN  
DOI 10.32382
Frequency 2 issues per year
Editor-in-chief  Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar, Indonesia
Affiliation Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar
Publisher Unit Penelitian Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar
OAI Journal https://ojs3.poltekkes-mks.ac.id/index.php/medkes/oai
Citation Analysis  


The proceeding is a part of the 3rd International Conference on Urban Health (ICUH) 2021 was held by Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health In Makassar in collaboration with Management and Science University Malaysia, Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health in Mamuju, and Sandi Karsa Polytechnic in Makassar on September, 21st – 22nd, 2021. This year conference takes theme “The Covid-19 Pandemic and Urban Health Issues”. This theme was choosen because in this year we were still in the situation of Covid-19 Pandemic since January, 2021 in Indonesia. The conference was held in hybrid meeting (virtual and offline). The offline site was held in the Four Points Hotel by Sheraton Makassar.  


All valuable paper that had been reviewed by professional reviewer especially for proceeding was composed in this book as a summary of all paper presented during the conference. We thanks to all speakers and participants who had shared their best experience and knowledge regarding themes. We also thanks to Dr. Agustian Ipa, M.Kes, Director of Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health in  Makassar that has beed approved this conference including his support for conference funding. Especially thanks to tasks executor of dr. Kirana Pritasari, MQIH, Head of the Health Human Resources Development and Empowerment of Ministry of the Health Republic of Indonesia as the keynote speaker at the conference and Mr. Mohammad Ramdhan Pomanto, the Major of Makassar City for sparing the time to attend and open the conference.


This proceeding also provided in cooperation with the Center of Excellent of Urban Health and the Center of Research and Community Services of Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health in Makassar. We do hope this abstract book would have benefits for us to face and step forward to face the Covid-19 Pandemic and improve the management of urban health issues in the future. In representing the team, we apologize if there was any mistaken during the conference and also in this abstract book. Thank you very much for all contributors that has been participated so this abstract book can be published in planned time.

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Vol 3 No 1 (2021): The 3rd International Conference on Urban Health, The Covid-19 pandemic and Urban Health Issues
Diterbitkan: 2023-05-17
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